Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Summer's Close

Labor Day always marks summers official end.  As everyone rushes to don their favorite fall fashions (you will have MORE than enough time to do that, don't rush it, please!), I find myself reminiscing of all my favorite things and memories that the hot summer of 2011 brought, be it in design, fashion or travel. 

I hate saying farewell to the bright neon colors that I embraced this summer.  A tasteful tribute to those summers I spent clad in these colors during the 80's as a child. Above: McQueen clutch, Trina Turk throw pillows, Tom Binns earrings, Madeline Winerib fabric upholstered chair, Madeline Winerib green Ikat fabric.

The gorgeous serene lake house of one of my dearest friends (thanks Kel!) tucked in the mountains of North Carolina where I spent the 4th of July living the PERFECT summer life.

The stunning Nantucket sunset we watched on our back patio each night.  In fact, these hues and feel inspired my work-in-progress guest room...

 Enchanting pathway in ACK that I spied while on a run and had to go back and take a photo of... 

I suppose it is time that I give in and (slowly) usher in the start of fall.  You will not catch me clad in sweaters or scarves until absolutely necessary later into the season.  I am from Boston, afterall, and I remember all too well how anxious I was last March to pack away those sweaters and jackets.  However, I do happen to love fall and am excited about that crispness in the air, the changing foliage, football tailgates, apple picking, I could go on...

C (&M)

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